Getting back up to Castle Crag's has been long overdue. It's been a busy year so far, Sheep Rock and Hunter's Point, earlier this year, thanks to the tireless efforts of Sean M., having stepped back into the local seen, have proven to be great additions to the local climbing seen. Followed by new routes and bouldering on Mount Shasta with no end to worthy projects as well as a revival of Sean's and some of the past generations efforts, could keep motivated developers busy fo many lifetimes. And then there's Lover's Leap Limestone which also keeps getting better with every day spent, and is now beginning to get some well deserved attention.
With all that said the last couple of weeks I've managed to get up to Castle Crags a few times and it's been great, did the Cosmic Wall, the West Ridge, 6 Toe Crack and some Crag'n at the Burly Buttress with my girlfreind Angela. And it's got me fired up for another great season of route Development and alpine adventures of a very unique flavor.
Approaching Beck's Tower
Angela snacking at the base of Beck's Tower
Angela jamming up the approach pitch of The Burly Buttress
Having a blast on the Right Crack 5.10, The Burly Buttress
Kin high on the West Ridge 5.8+, Castle Dome
The climbing has been great but the views have been less than great it seems California in an effort to keep our heads above water has been selling off our resources at an accelerated rate. Check out these fresh clear cuts above Dunsmuir visible from the Dome trail.
But that's just the beginning look what's going on right on State Park Property. The Park's official postion is that they are creating a "shaded fuel break". A shaded fuel break which has Castle Creek road, a man made fuel break and Castle Creek a 30' wide natural fuel break directly next to this newly needed fuel break. In my opinion this does nothing to protect Castle Crag's Park as it does not address the huge loads of fuel throughout the park. It simple widens an already existing fuel break.
This is We The People's property
It's just a little thinning
This is a full scale operation, expect 5-60 minute delays if traveling down Castle Creek Rd.